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Laura Manning
Lecturer of Classics
Research interests: Active Latin teaching and Learning; 16th Century Pedagogical Orations, Latin letters and letter writers

I have three sons, who are 35, 33, and 28 years old, and I have six grandchildren. Our family pets are named Regina, a dog - Regi for short, and Cloelia, a cat - Cloe for short. These pets live with my youngest son and his wife. The latest pet addition to our family is Lavinia, a cat who lives with me.

This is the twentieth year that I have been teaching, and I can say unequivocally that I have the best job anywhere. I love the fact that my students choose to study with me. Teaching and working with future teachers: both of these keep the flame of lifelong learning burning in my heart. I am grateful and joyful.

I hold teaching certifications in several US states, including Kentucky and New Jersey. I didn't become a Latin teacher because of some innate love of grammar. Twenty-five centuries of Latin-speaking people got me hooked. The fact that people living from very a long ago and on down through the centuries felt the same emotions and shared many of the same experiences that we face today - and spoke and wrote so vividly about them - made such a deep and lasting impression on me that I had to read more. Now I get to share with others! Eugepae!

Contact Information
1007 Patterson Office Tower
2021 Ph.D. University of Kentucky, Education Sciences

2016 M. A. University of Kentucky, Classics

2016 Graduate Certificate in Latin Studies, University of Kentucky

2014 B.A. Montclair State University Latin, Classics
  • Modern & Classical Languages Literatures & Cultures
  • Classics
  • College of Education