Thanks to the generous donors of the Ken and Mary Sue Coleman, Chris and Vicki Gorman, and Penny Miller Graduate Summer Fellowship, the department is pleased to invite all current graduate students to apply for the Graduate Student Summer Fellowships. The maximum award for this term is $2000, and we intend to support several awards. Funds may be used exclusively for professional development, which may include specific research activities (e.g., dissertation work), field work, preparing new courses, or taking coursework elsewhere to develop new skills—including teaching skills, language study, accessing data sets, or any other activity that is directly related to the student’s professional development.
Students awarded with a summer fellowship are required to submit an activity report to the DGS no later than 09/01. The report should indicate how the funds were spent and how the award has helped the student make progress in the program.
Submission instructions: By March 25, please submit the required materials specified below to the DGS with a copy to the Department Manager.
For full consideration proposals should be submitted as one PDF document. Proposals should include (1) a completed cover sheet, which can be found on the DGS website here; (2) the student’s CV, (3) a description of the professional development activity, and (4) a proposed budget for the award amount (not to exceed $2000). Descriptions should not exceed 2 single-spaced pages. Though the proposal should address anything the student deems relevant, below are some guidelines for how the proposal will be evaluated:
- How will the proposed activities help move the student’s research progress forward? How likely is it that these activities will produce a tangible outcome for the student, such as a conference paper, grant application or publication?
- Do the student’s skills (e.g., language, statistics) align well with the proposed work?
- What is the student’s current status in the program? Is s/he making timely progress towards the degree? Does this proposal come at a time that would be most beneficial for the student?
- How has the student used funds in the past?
Proposals will be evaluated by the Graduate Committee, and recommendations will be passed to the department chair. Final determination on all proposals will be made by the department chair.